Saturday, July 26, 2008

Assignment: Music

The current assignment in the Christian Photographers forum is "music". We're allowed up to 4 submissions. I entered 3. The bottom photo I have previously submitted for another assignment with DPS, but it was appropriate for this assignment as well. The top two are current, specific for this assignment. :)

PP work varies with each photo which includes my basic pp, toning b&w conversion, vignetting, and adding a gaussian blur layer using overlay mode.


Anonymous said...

Purty. I like it. I bet you will probably get at least one of my votes.

Anonymous said...

These are lovely! I especially love the 2nd one. The DOF and focus is superb.


Anonymous said...

WOW, these are simply perfect! Nice work!

Kami said...

I have been enjoying your blog for a month or so now (got the link from DPS forum) and would love to know where to find this Christian Photography Forum. I love these music photos.

Jocelyn K. said...

Thanks Kami! Christian photographers is at


Anonymous said...

Those are all so pretty! I love the first two.
