Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Photography Students: Week 1

I was asked to teach a beginner photography and Photoshop class to our homeschool group's yearbook staff (12yo+) this year. I am so excited and honored at this opportunity, especially since I'm such a newbie myself! The photography class began last week, with the photoshop class starting in November. Both are 6-week long classes.

As part of the assignments, I will be showcasing some of the kids' work here on my photoblog. Every Wednesday for the next 12 weeks or so, you will see a lot of their work here. So fun! :D

The assignment for Week 1 was to photography something or someone you love. Until we begin the photoshop class, most of the shots will be SOOC (straight out of camera). A majority of the cameras used are p&s digital cameras. The kids did a great job for their first assignment! I was originally going to showcase only 3 photos per week, but they all did so great for their first week that I HAD to showcase all of their photos this first time. LOL!

by Natalie

by Olivia

by Jordan

by Hollen

by Hope

by Jesse

by Taran

by Hannah

Feel free to comment on their work, as you feel led. I'm sure they would enjoy reading your comments and feedback on their work. :D


Gabriel Hudelson said...

Those all are really good shots! Keep going! Good job. And listen to Mrs. Klotz. :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome job everyone! I love all of the photos, and I had a really fun time taking mine!

Unknown said...

How fun! Great job everyone - it all starts with a good eye for unique shots.

Unknown said...

Everyne did such a great job! Natalie I LOVE your picture! I love horses....:) I am REALLY enjoying this class!