Friday, September 19, 2008

Slip & Slidin' Away....

Yes, these were taken TODAY. Yes, it is STILL warm. Yes, that is a another photo of our son. :D My son and I spent a wonderful afternoon at the home of our dear friends, the W's. I just had to take pictures to showoff our warm weather (in the high 90's). Although, I am soooo ready for it to cool down! At least the mornings are starting to get cooler. Yay!

The kids spent almost 2 hours slippin' and slidin', while us two moms did what we do and laugh. :) Totally fun! Oh the beauty of Christian fellowship....


Gabriel Hudelson said...

Fun! Hot!

Anonymous said...

Ah, that must be where you were when you ignored my phone call...;)

To the KING be all the glory!
